Samsung presents the evolution of the EyeCan project with the second generation which will allow people unable to use a traditional mouse to interact with an electronic device through eye movement.
The first version was presented in 2012 and subsequently further developed thanks to the work carried out by students at Yonsei University in Seoul.
The operation of the device is simple: a visual sensor tracks the movement of the eyes on a special display thus allowing the system to recognize the desired action. It will be possible to write messages as well as perform a series of operations such as copying, pasting, selecting text or printing it as well as managing key combinations.

By combining EyeCan2 with specific software it will be possible to broaden the series of operations that can be performed, providing valid autonomy support to people who would otherwise be severely limited.
The system is open source, so anyone will be able to access the source code and possibly customize it or develop it further, thus paving the way for new generations of devices. Samsung has in fact declared its willingness to leave this project open to any collaboration, thus providing a solid base from which to start to develop new devices.

The device will not be marketed except for a series of instruments created and donated. The South Korean company hopes that specialized manufacturers can take advantage of this technology and then develop complete systems.
All the material produced by Samsung and all the other partners is available on the website which also provides indications for developing this system as well as in the various blogs on disability .
In fact, to provide complete and functioning support you will need a web cam, a series of LED supports and other small, easily available accessories. A video clip shows how to assemble everything to get the device working.
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